10 Films That Need to be Remade

Wanna know something? Horror remakes are here to stay. I know, I know; not exactly earth-shattering news. The horror remake has been a mainstay in Hollywood for a long time now with no end in sight. I find it funny that people still get angry when a new horror remake is announced. That’s like getting … Continue reading

The Maniac Cop Trilogy

Actor Robert Z’Dar died on Monday, March 30 2015, age 64, of a cardiac arrest in Pensacola, Florida, while attending a local comic convention. In his time he had been a football player, Chippendale dancer, Chicago cop, but most certainly the jut-jawed giant (the result of a medical condition called cherubism) was known for his … Continue reading

February’s Love Bites: MY BLOODY VALENTINE (2009)

How did St Valentine get associated with all the romantic bullshit about the day in his name? Historians can’t even decide which Valentine is the right one, since there are a handful of saints that pop up all over the place with that name. The origin of the shape of the heart might come from … Continue reading