Trailer Drops for the Filipino Horror Flick, Corazon: Ang Unang Aswang

What starts off as looking like a standard, run-of-the-mill love story quickly turns into one of the scarier trailers I’ve seen in quite some time. There’s not a lick of English in the trailer but you won’t have any problems following what’s going on. The film is titled CORAZON: ANG UNANG ASWANG and is directed by Richard Somes and stars Derek Ramsay and the very beautiful Erich Gonzales. Check out the trailer:

This might just be the scariest thing to come outta the Philippines since America started out sourcing call centers!! You can check out CORAZON: ANG UNANG ASWANG on their Facebook page. The film had it’s premier on March 14, 2012 and there’s still no word on a U.S or U.K distribution. Check out the poster below.

Stay Bloody!!!

One Response to “Trailer Drops for the Filipino Horror Flick, Corazon: Ang Unang Aswang”
  1. Malydel says:

    horror movies is my favorite…


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